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Syllabus submission

Within your Applicant Portal, you'll be able to track your transfer credit assessment. If all of your courses aren't listed in your portal, please be patient. University courses which had a grade lower than C- (and college-level courses with a grade lower than B-) are not eligible for transfer credit consideration and will not show up in your Applicant Portal. Once the Admissions team has evaluated your courses and completed an initial assessment, you'll have the opportunity to submit syllabi.


Course code Course title Description
ACST 1000U Pending Syllabus Admissions requires that you submit a syllabus through the Syllabus Submission Form. 
ACST 2000U Pending Evaluation Your syllabus is under review by the faculty. 
ACST 3000U No Equivalent The course does not have an Ontario Tech University equivalent course that is listed in your program map
ACST 4000U Ineligible-Accred. Restriction The course is not eligible due to accreditation requirements. 
ACST 5000U Evaluation Deferred The submitted syllabus did not have sufficient information. You need to submit a more detailed syllabus so the course can be reassessed. Please see your email to see what documentation we require.
ACST 6000U Approved Pending Final Grade  If your final grade meets the requirements, the course is approved for transfer credit. The credit will be loaded once the appropriate transcript is received. 
Does Not Qualify for Transfer Credit The course does not qualify for transfer credit.  

ACST 8000U

Course Not in Program Map The course has an Ontario Tech equivalency but it does not apply to the program map of the current program of study.

ACST 9000U

Min. Grade Not Met The grade received in the course does not meet the minimum requirement to receive transfer credit.

We may group courses together. If your courses are grouped, you are still required to submit syllabi for all the courses even though "Pending Syllabus" will only appear for the first course. 

For example, CHM 1045 and CHM 1045L are grouped courses but we would require syllabi from both. 

example of grouped courses

Engineering students must include detailed lecture, lab and tutorial hours, and graduate attributes in all syllabi. If you do not have a syllabus with this information, please forward us an email from the relevant department at your previous institution confirming this information. Failing to provide this information will cause a significant delay in your assessment.

Syllabus Requirements

  • Course and instructor
  • Course descriptions/objectives
  • Grading
  • Policies
  • Supplementary reading(s)
  • Textbooks
  • Lecture, lab and tutorial hours (Engineering students only)

Each submitted syllabus must be in a separate form and Portable Document Format (PDF) or Microsoft Word file (.doc or .docx format) attached each time. The university does not accept paper copies of course syllabi for curriculum evaluation. The file name must follow this format: Subject and course code - course title. The course code and title should be from your previous institution. For example: MATH 116 – Calculus 1 for Engineering.pdf. Syllabi submissions that are not in the required electronic format, or not separated into individual files, will not be accepted. If you are unable to produce an electronic version in the acceptable format, please contact the Admissions team at

The university will not accept a brief course calendar or website descriptions. In rare situations, submission of textbooks, tests or assignments may be required to complete the curriculum assessment. 

Submit a Syllabus

Faculty you accepted an offer to* How to submit your syllabus
Business and Information Technology Syllabus submission form
Education Syllabus Submission Form
Engineering and Applied Science Syllabus submission form
Health Sciences  Syllabus submission form
Science Syllabus submission form
Social Science and Humanities Syllabus submission form
*If you are not sure which faculty your program belongs to, select the faculty name and you will see a list of programs.
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