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Ontario Tech University adheres to the General Policy on the transfer of course credits, as adopted by the Council of Ontario Universities. While learning experiences may differ, course substance may be virtually equivalent in terms of course content and rigour. When possible, acceptance of transfer credit should allow maximum recognition of previous learning experiences in university-level courses.

Ontario universities support full disclosure of all marks achieved in all attempts in secondary and post-secondary courses. Withholding academic information may result in expulsion from the university. Ontario Tech will review transfer credits from accredited post-secondary institutions only.

It is the student’s responsibility to adhere to the academic regulations and degree requirements as stated in the Undergraduate Academic Calendar. Ensure that you have read and understand all degree requirements. If you have any questions concerning the requirements for degree completion, contact your academic advisor.

Official transfer credit evaluations will appear as a credit on your Ontario Tech academic record. Please note that transfer credit is granted at the sole discretion of the university. A transfer credit decision cannot be reviewed or appealed. Assessments are conducted by the appropriate faculty and all decisions are final. Transfer credit assessments will be considered final one year after the date of admission to the university, after which, no further requests for transfer credit will be accepted.

If requested on your assessment, supporting documents such as institutionally-prepared course syllabi and official transcripts must be submitted to Ontario Tech. For more information on submitting your syllabi, please see our syllabus submission guidelines.

Be aware of course add/drop deadlines and tuition refund deadlines. Requests for fee refunds after the normal deadline dates, resulting from the awarding of transfer credit, will not be granted.

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