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How Indigenous admissions decisions are made

Members of the Indigenous Admissions Assessment Committee will use this table to categorize application materials. These three categories highlight the candidate’s potential for success at Ontario Tech University at this moment in time, given the committee members’ knowledge of the challenges of post-secondary education and supports available at the university. A recommendation will be made while knowing that a person’s potential changes over time, and that any decision made is only reflective of the information received in the materials provided.

Indigenous admissions recommendation guide

Emerging Potential Apt Potential Outstanding Potential

The applicant’s letter of support shows basic knowledge of their personal history, but does not completely discuss how they are prepared to succeed at the university. Few details shared in the letter speak to the character and resilience of the applicant.

The personal statement shares events from the applicant’s history, but does not speak to the accompanying context, emotions, or details of challenges faced. The applicant’s educational goals may be unclear, or do not clearly demonstrate their desire to contribute to family, friends, and/or their community.

The applicant’s letter of support shows knowledge of their personal history, and touches on how they are prepared to succeed at the university. It supports their character, and why they are being recommended for admission.

The personal statement shares events from the applicant’s history, along with challenges they have overcome, or are currently overcoming. The applicant may identify their goals, but may be unclear about how the university will help them to achieve these. The statement suggests the applicant desires to contribute back to family, friends, and/or their community, but is unspecific as to how an education from the university will help them achieve this.

The applicant’s letter of support shows detailed knowledge of their personal history, including reference to demonstrated leadership skills such as influence on their family, friends, and/or community, volunteerism, and any other contributions. The reference clearly identifies how the applicant is prepared to succeed at the university and their hopes for the future. The letter makes a strong recommendation for admission and includes details about the applicant’s character and resilience as reasons to support this.

The applicant’s personal statement shares a detailed account of their authentic personal story and the challenges they have overcome, or are currently overcoming. The statement speaks to how these challenges have affected the applicant’s educational journey. The story shared obviously demonstrates the applicant’s desire to contribute back to their family, friends, and/or community. They clearly state what their goals are, and how an education from the university will help to achieve them.

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